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Animals and Art: Bonnie Longo DaSilva

Bonnie Longo DaSilva, Class of 1986, Prospect, CT

What are you up to? Advocating for animals; showing, teaching and sharing how amazing and wonderful they are. We can all co-exist to make the world a better place to live. I'm using my photo designs to show bring awareness to nature and animals. Learn more on my website: and my online store.

What are your goals? To serve and help others and to advocate for animals. Also, to share my appreciation of nature through my art.

What has been your biggest challenge? Well that's a huge question! Life is full if changes and challenges and I've learned to weather it and ride the wave. I was born and pronounced deceased and revived. I lost my Dad at 7 years old, and I've lost many loves and family members along the way. I'm still not back to normal from an injury in 2010. There were a lot of challenges for me in school because I was labeled with a learning disability. I’ve learned we need to strengthen our core to overcome and stand firm through life; to move through life humbled and to be a survivor. I've learned that along the way, we need appreciate every day of life.

What has been your happiest moment? Watching my nephews grow up and sharing my life with animals. From them, I learn to be a better human. Also, taking photos of nature.

Advice for WHS Students? Follow your passions and dreams. Work where you are inspired and always learn to appreciate. Feel good and love what you do. Weather the difficult days one day at a time, as they will pass as clouds. Life would be boring without all of the bad parts. Never say never and don't lose hope; always hope and a new day with be on it's way. ☮

If you could tell your high school self one thing, what would it be? Learn; learn, as much as you can and apply it to what you love in life. Take time to take it all in with open eyes and to see all of the wonders. Don't waste time at a job that you don't want to do. Life does go by really fast when you're not paying attention. I learned this from Bobby, my nephew.